256 research outputs found

    GebĂ€udekosten und Arbeitszeitbedarf fĂŒr die ökologische Legehennenhaltung

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    Production systems for organically managed laying hens are continually being further developed with the result that a large number of production-optimised systems are now available. In order to compare the economic efficiency of these systems, performances under commercial conditions were recorded to assess investment and labour requirements as well as other key figures. Comparing production costs per sold egg, aviary systems performed better than on-floor barn systems from 3000 bird places upwards

    Schwann Cell Metabolic Activity in Various Short-Term Holding Conditions: Implications for Improved Nerve Graft Viability

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    Strategies for improvement of nerve regeneration and optimal conditions to prevent Schwann cell (SC) loss within a nerve transplant procedure are critical. The purpose of this study was to examine SC viability, which plays an important role in peripheral nerve regeneration, under various incubation conditions up to three hours. To address this issue, Schwann cell metabolic activity was determined using different independent test methods. The following experimental conditions were compared: SCs prepared from nerves were incubated in (1) isotonic saline solution (2) Dulbecco's modified Eagles medium as used for cell culturing, (3) Hannover bioreactor medium, and (4) Leibovitz's medium. SC metabolic activity of excised rat sciatic nerve was determined at 4°C, 18°C, and 37°C over 3 hrs. The results indicate that SC activity was optimized by the usage of Leibovitz's medium or HBRM at 37°C. Greater SC viability at the time of surgical nerve grafting could contribute to improved axonal regeneration and remyelination after nerve transplantation, and thus more successful functional recovery

    Brief Report: Does Gender Matter in Intervention for ASD? Examining the Impact of the PEERSÂź Social Skills Intervention on Social Behavior Among Females with ASD

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    A paucity of research has been conducted to examine the effect of social skills intervention on females with ASD. Females with ASD may have more difficulty developing meaningful friendships than males, as the social climate can be more complex (Archer, Coyne, Personality and Social Psychology Review 9(3):212–230, 2005). This study examined whether treatment response among females differed from males. One hundred and seventy-seven adolescents and young adults with ASD (N = 177) participated in this study. When analyzed by group, no significant differences by gender emerged: PEERS¼ knowledge (TASSK/TYASSK, p = .494), direct interactions (QSQ, p = .762), or social responsiveness (SRS, p = .689; SSIS-RS, p = .482). Thus, females and males with ASD respond similarly to the PEERS¼ intervention

    Changes in Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents with ASD Completing the PEERSÂź Social Skills Intervention

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    Depression is a common concern among people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and is often associated with social skills and relationship challenges. The present data, from a randomized controlled trial, examined the effect of PEERS¼ on self-reported depressive symptoms via the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) among 49 adolescents with ASD. Findings revealed that many CDI subscale scores declined (p’s \u3c 0.05) and were related to direct social contact on the Quality of Socialization Questionnaire at posttest (p’s \u3c 0.05). Exploratory analyses uncovered that suicidality was less evident following PEERS¼. Findings support the notion that social functioning and depression may be intimately intertwined in ASD; therefore, bolstering social skills in ASD may positively influence other domains of functioning, including mental health

    Examining the Links Between Challenging Behaviors in Youth with ASD and Parental Stress, Mental Health, and Involvement: Applying an Adaptation of the Family Stress Model to Families of Youth with ASD

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    Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses unique challenges that may impact parents’ mental health and parenting experiences. The current study analyzed self-report data from 77 parents of youth with ASD. A serial multiple mediation model revealed that parenting stress (SIPA) and parental mental health (BAI and BDI-II) appears to be impacted by challenging adolescent behaviors (SSIS-PBs) and, in turn, affect parental involvement (PRQ), controlling for social skills (SSIS-SSs). Further, the study explored the malleability of parents’ mental health over the course of a social skills intervention, and provides modest evidence that parent depressive symptoms decline across intervention. This study illustrates the importance of considering the entire family system in research on youth with ASD

    Arbeitszeitbedarf in der ökologischen Legehennenhaltung

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    Der Arbeitszeitbedarf fĂŒr Legehennen in Bodenhaltung unterscheidet sich kaum von dem in der Volierenhaltung: Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf und Verteilung auf die einzelnen ArbeitsgĂ€nge sind annĂ€hernd gleich. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte Arbeitszeitbedarf liegt mit einem Anteil von 53 % bei der Produktgewinnung. Die BetriebsfĂŒhrung macht einen Anteil von 17% am Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf aus. Bei beiden Arbeiten handelt es sich um tĂ€gliche, meist mit hohem manuellem Aufwand verbundene TĂ€tigkeiten. Produktgewinnung, BetriebsfĂŒhrung, FĂŒtterung und Auslaufbewirtschaftung summieren sich auf 92 % des Arbeitszeitbedarfs. Einfluss auf den Arbeitszeitbedarf haben vor allem die BestandsgrĂ¶ĂŸe und der Anteil an manuellen TĂ€tigkeiten

    Integration and potential of teaching communication skills in the study of veterinary medicine in Germany

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    Goal: Presentation of the current range of courses regarding communication at the five German educational institutions for veterinary medicine. In addition to learning objectives and individual solutions, possible potential for future developments are presented. Methods: Interviews with communication educators at the five German education institutions and subsequent synopsis. Results: To date, there are no binding education guidelines regarding communication in veterinary medicine. Nevertheless, communication education has been introduced at all five education institutions, albeit depth and formats vary considerably. The learning objectives are largely consistent and based on the recommendations for day-one-skills made by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education. Communication is not recognized as a fully-fledged subject in the curricula of any of the education institutions. All education institutions clearly fall short of teaching the recommended 150 lecture hours. Conclusion: To ensure communication skills in veterinary medicine graduates, binding education guidelines should be agreed upon. Communication education should be integrated into all veterinary curricula as a fully-fledged subject with longitudinally increasing depth

    A Psychometric Analysis of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents Among Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Caregiver–Adolescent Agreement, Factor Structure, and Validity

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    Social anxiety is common among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). An ongoing challenge for both research and clinical practice in ASD is the assessment of anxious symptomatology. Despite its widespread use in samples of youth with ASD, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) has not received psychometric evaluation within this population; thus, the validity of its use in research and clinical practice for ASD remains unclear. The present study conducted a psychometric analysis of caregiver and adolescent SAS-A forms in a sample of adolescents with ASD (N = 197). Results revealed (1) poor caregiver–adolescent item-level agreement, (2) a two-factor structure, (3) lack of measurement invariance between reporters, and (4) modest evidence for convergent and discriminant validity. Overall, findings suggest that this measure demonstrates reasonable psychometric properties in an ASD sample. Lack of measurement invariance, however, calls for careful interpretation of research involving the SAS-A in ASD samples, particularly when the primary goal is to compare adolescent and caregiver reports. The implications of these findings for future research and clinical practice are discussed
